At a glance

A property and casualty (P&C) insurance provider partnered with Eviden for a detailed data cataloging system. Eviden provided a data governance solution on a hybrid enterprise data platform. 


  • Visibility into PII data across the enterprise 
  • Self-service access to explore, discover, sanitize and reuse data 
  • Accelerated time to market through quicker access and arrangement of data assets 
  • 30% lesser duplication in data 
  • Enhanced data security and data lineage 
  • Faster compliance

The client

The client is an insurance provider with a plethora of offerings for individuals, families, and businesses. With a variety of insurance products, they also have different data domains such as customer information, financial information, legal and regulatory documents, risk management, and market research. 

Data silos and duplication  

The client is a leading property and casualty (P&C) insurance provider facing a data-centric conundrum. Data was acquired, managed and stored locally by business units along with data generated by different web applications, leading to data silos that lacked a single source of truth. Not only was this a business challenge but was also impacting their risk and compliance readiness. 

Further, data platforms were created in both, on-premise and cloud, leading to lesser visibility. Business users struggled to implement advanced use cases due to the lack of a common information model. Tracking data pipelines and their security was a key challenge. 

Building a unified platform  

The P&C insurer partnered with Eviden to build a solution to explore, discover and reuse data assets, thereby providing a holistic data view and its associated lineage. Eviden performed a detailed study of the client’s existing data platforms, then strategized to create a detailed transformation roadmap.   

The second phase of this was the implementation of Data Marketplace – a single point of entry to the enterprise data platform. This included self-service tools for data discovery, data quality, scanning, glossary, data modeling and data cataloging. The enterprise data catalog covered many data store systems including Oracle, SQL Server, Hadoop, SAP and MongoDB, and established a link between all meta data stores to present a unified view of the insurer’s data landscape. 

Unifying data. Reinforcing trust.  

With this unified enterprise data platform, the client now has an accelerated scanning of multiple systems across 26 companies. This allows for faster identification of redundant objects that has reduced duplicity by 30%. The self-service functionality gives business users access to explore, discover, sanitize and reuse data. With this improved data lineage, the client has implemented its data security and protection strategy, with new compliance functionalities and improved data quality. 

Why Eviden

Eviden’s Data and Analytics practice empowers enterprises to transform into data-centric organizations. With Eviden’s end-to-end data modernization services, clients can plan, design and build cloudbased scalable, secure data foundation and unified governance models for advanced analytics / Generative AI use cases. 

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