Generative and cognitive AI solutions leverage state-of-the-art technology to empower machines with the ability to showcase imagination, produce authentic content, and simulate human-like intellect. Generative AI and cognitive AI solutions drive innovation, automation, and enhance problem-solving capabilities across industries, revolutionizing the way we work and interact with technology.

We provide comprehensive cognitive and generative AI solutions, from strategic consulting and project planning to implementation, deployment, and ongoing support. Our expertise covers MLOps pipelines for efficient development and evaluation, while ensuring responsible and unbiased AI use compliant with emerging regulations.

Our solutions

Generative AI

Generative AI

Our cognitive solutions revolutionize industries, creating unique content to push creative boundaries and unlock new possibilities.

Conversational Systems

Conversational Systems

We empower businesses with conversational AI solutions, integrating backend systems, and leveraging cloud platforms to drive success.

Text Mining and NLP

Text Mining and NLP

Eviden’s AI-powered document digitization services automate processes, reduce costs, and improve accuracy and speed.

Computer Vision

Computer Vision

Boost business operations with image and video analytics services: object detection, text extraction, video transcription & generative AI.

AI at Scale

AI at Scale

Our AI Engineering & Governance offerings create a fully automated MLOps framework, ensuring compliance and trustworthy ML models.

Advanced Data Analytics

Advanced Data Analytics

Empower data-driven decisions and solve challenges with Eviden’s data science solutions and ML-powered applications.

Autonomous Solutions

Autonomous Solutions

Eviden collaborates with automotive OEMs, offering AI-driven solutions for smart connected vehicles and autonomous systems.

Our clients

US Government State

US Government State

The client was in search of a predictive model to help them manage the demand and supply of PPE kits during the Covid-19 pandemic. Eviden collaborated with the state’s Emergency Services and an American multinational technology company to create 55 models for demand forecasting of different PPE kits — a crucial prediction in a medical emergency.

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US Government State

Eviden’s forecasting solutions helped a US Government State stay ahead in resource planning at the peak of the Covid-19 pandemic

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European Service Postal Provider

European Service Postal Provider

A postal service provider in South Europe was looking to improve the customer experience, achieve greater customization and help brand positioning in their property and casualty (P&C) insurance vertical.

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European Service Postal Provider

Eviden’s chatbot improves web interface and reduces TAT for queries

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Leading German Manufacturer

Leading German Manufacturer

A leading German manufacturer was eager to reduce the time taken by their specialists to inspect machinery produced on their assembly lines. They collaborated with Eviden for a Computer Vision- based solution to automate the quality inspection process.

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Leading German Manufacturer

Eviden’s Computer Vision-based solution revolutionized quality inspection for a leading German manufacturer’s assembly line

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US Automotive OEM

US Automotive OEM

Eviden partnered with a US automotive OEM to build a connected cars platform that will be used to test, research and develop new features and functionalities.

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US Automotive OEM

Eviden built a connected cars platform, enabling a US automotive brand manage faster testing, research and development.

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Related resources

Healthcare - Discharge Summary with Generative AI

Healthcare - Discharge Summary with Generative AI

Automated risk assessment for insurance with Generative AI and Intelligent Document Processing

Automated risk assessment for insurance with Generative AI and Intelligent Document Processing

Contact Center – Post call processing with Generative AI

Contact Center – Post call processing with Generative AI

Market Gen-AI Marketing Tool for Retail and CPG

Market Gen-AI Marketing Tool for Retail and CPG

Eviden Developer Assist

Eviden Developer Assist

AI powered knowledge search tool that makes it easy to find the information you need, quickly and easily.

Our team

Arindam Datta

Arindam Datta

Global Head Cognitive Solutions AI & ML, Digital
Rahul Jain

Rahul Jain

Chief Technical Architect
Shreenivas Shenoy

Shreenivas Shenoy

Principal Consultant


Generative AI has diverse applications, including art and design, entertainment, data augmentation, virtual character creation, content generation for video games, music composition, and even scientific simulations.

Intelligent Document Processing reduces manual handling and processing of documents, automate the data extraction process and increase touch-less extension of business processes.

A virtual assistant can provide numerous benefits to your business. It can handle administrative tasks such as scheduling meetings, managing emails, and organizing documents, allowing you to focus on core business activities. It can also assist with customer support, responding to inquiries, and providing information to clients. Additionally, a virtual assistant can help streamline processes, improve efficiency, and reduce costs by automating repetitive tasks. By leveraging the capabilities of a virtual assistant, your business can save time, increase productivity, and enhance overall customer experience.

Yes, we have a framework named IODF and Segmentation, which helps augment ‘n’ images supplied to generate a robust model.

*n can be any number of images required for training the specific model.

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