Richard Bultitude
Richard Bultitude

Head of Front-End Development – CX, Eviden

Richard is an engineering practice lead and architect who thinks strategically and consistently crafts durable digital products. He’s a passionate advocate of best practices, digital accessibility, composable architecture and innovation. On many projects he has increased efficiency while also improving product quality. His primary motivation for working in digital is building products that provide real utility to human beings, challenge conventions and improve our shared environment.

Richard has seen many sides of the digital world, having enjoyed roles in UI design, data visualization, business analysis, web app development and engineering leadership at start-ups, market-leading brands and agencies of all shapes and sizes. His desire to share information has led him to talk at some of London’s most popular events such as LondonWeb, HalfStack and the JS Monthly. You can watch his 2017 talk on Modular JavaScript at Front End London here.