At a glance

Financial services provider CIZ was looking for a new digital solution to replace an end-of-life, business-critical IT system. Eviden has designed and delivered Portero, a scalable Azure-based system with a DevOps approach for increased efficiency, improved insights, and optimized costs.


  • CIZ can implement a new release every week, if required
  • 30% reduction in implementation costs of new functionalities
  • Up to 50% resource optimization in the IT department

The client

Since 2005, the Dutch Centre of Healthcare Indications (CIZ) determines eligibility for treatment and healthcare benefits under the Long-Term Care Act in the Netherlands. It has over 1,100 employees

An effective co-operation based on a partnership with a shared focus on results. Enabled by a professional management of Eviden aimed at quality, productivity and project management.

Manda Oplaat | CIZ

Healthcare in the Netherlands

Over 25,000 suppliers of healthcare services apply for 1 million indications at the Dutch Centre of Healthcare Indications (CIZ) every year — a total sum of € 27 billion. CIZ provides an indication or estimate regarding the legitimacy of these claims for AWBZ care, which provides general insurance against special health care needs and finances care. This estimate helps citizens know which healthcare services they are entitled to, and in which form these will be offered to them.


Multiple systems, multiple challenges

CIZ was formed in 2005 as the result of a merger between 80 organizations. The system that facilitated the assessment and allocation of indications was installed in 1994, comprised 17 databases and was not able to anticipate upcoming changes in legislation. This had reached the end of its lifecycle in 2013. To be prepared for all the upcoming changes, CIZ focused its information strategy on the implementation of flexibility and scalability as well as on making its key systems and IT infrastructure future-proof.


Why Eviden

The methodical approach, starting with a Design Thinking Workshop through an agile development project with design and development sprints, contributed significantly to understanding customer requirements. This ensures a successful project execution. On the basis of innovative architectural approaches and requirements engineering, the development team can meet the defined customer requirements in the best way possible as they did in this case.

An Azure-based solution

In collaboration with Eviden, CIZ developed the new IT system Portero to replace the old system dating from 1994. Portero enables optimal digital process support and has the scalability to prepare the system for the upcoming decentralization of the AWBZ. On 25 November 2013, Eviden (originally Atos) delivered the completely new Azure-based information system with a DevOps approach for evaluating applications for AWBZ healthcare services. Eviden designed, developed and tested all applications. Moreover, it built an OTAP environment and supported the migration of data from 17 databases to one new uniform system.


Effective results for effective healthcare

As a result of this effective approach CIZ can now implement a new release every week, if required. The solution also allowed the financial services provider to optimize resources in its IT department by up to 50%. Additionally, it realized a 30% reduction in implementation costs of new functionalities.

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