Post-quantum cryptography mastered from production to use

Eviden, the Atos business leading in digital, cloud, big data and security today announces the evolution of its digital identity management products so that they will be ready for the post-quantum era by the end of the year.

While powerful quantum computers will be able to break classical cryptography within a few years, post-quantum cryptography[1] (PQC) represents the most promising avenue to thwart the quantum threat. As technology is making progress, new cryptographic algorithms and methodologies are being specified and developed in cooperation between the scientific community, standardization bodies and industry.

Eviden’s product evolution will allow customers to anticipate the coming revolution, planning the migration of their cybersecurity solutions to gradually increase trust in post-quantum algorithms, with complete peace of mind.

The Eviden cybersecurity products for Digital Identity that will be ‘post-quantum ready’ soon are:

IDnomic PKI – a powerful, multi-purpose Public Key Infrastructure software suite for production and issuance of trusted digital identities, compliant to highest security standards. Crypto-agile by design, IDnomic PKI will guarantee a smooth migration path for customers by issuing hybrid certificates for legacy and ‘post-quantum cryptography ready’ applications.

Cryptovision GreenShield – a solution for email and file encryption, approved for the exchange of classified information (EU and NATO restricted, EUCI, VS-NfD certified), accredited by the German BSI and approved by the European Council. Its architecture is modular and flexible, based on crypto-agile development. PQC readiness will enable seamless use of traditional algorithms, as well as future quantum-resistant ones.

With the soon coming quantum revolution, now is not the time for panic, but for planning! With its leadership in cybersecurity and pioneering approach to science and technology, Eviden has extensive expertise in post-quantum cryptography. We are delighted to announce that customers will benefit from a new version of our state-of-the-art digital identity products, ready to kick-start this exciting post-quantum cryptography revolution with future-proof solutions.” said Jean-Philippe Poirault, CEO Big Data and Security, Eviden, Atos Group.

IDnomic PKI and Cryptovision Greenshield ‘post-quantum cryptography ready’ will be available by Q4 2023.

Post-quantum cryptography is at the core of Eviden’s work, as Eviden also supports post-quantum algorithms with its Trustway Proteccio HSM. In addition, the Atos Group, through its Eviden business line, is a pioneer in quantum computing. The Group launched the first quantum emulator on the market in 2016 and now offers the most powerful quantum computing application development platform, coupled with a consultancy offering that accelerates real quantum applications through all-in-one capabilities and a best-in-class development environment.

About Eviden[2]

Eviden designs the scope composed of Atos’ digital, cloud, big data and security business lines. It will be a global leader in data-driven, trusted and sustainable digital transformation. As a next generation digital business with worldwide leading positions in digital, cloud, data, advanced computing and security, it brings deep expertise for all industries in more than 53 countries. By uniting unique high-end technologies across the full digital continuum with 57,000 world-class talents, Eviden expands the possibilities of technologies for enterprises and public authorities, helping them to build their digital future. Eviden is an Atos Group business with an annual revenue of c. € 5 billion.

About Atos

Atos is a global leader in digital transformation with 111,000 employees and annual revenue of c. € 11 billion. European number one in cybersecurity, cloud and high-performance computing, the Group provides tailored end-to-end solutions for all industries in 69 countries. A pioneer in decarbonization services and products, Atos is committed to a secure and decarbonized digital for its clients. Atos is a SE (Societas Europaea), and listed on Euronext Paris.

The purpose of Atos is to help design the future of the information space. Its expertise and services support the development of knowledge, education and research in a multicultural approach and contribute to the development of scientific and technological excellence. Across the world, the Group enables its customers and employees, and members of societies at large to live, work and develop sustainably, in a safe and secure information space.

[1] Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC) is a family of cryptographic algorithms including key establishment and digital signatures that ensures a conjectured security even against an attacker equipped with quantum computers.

[2]Eviden business is operated through the following brands: Agarik, Alia Consulting, AppCentrica, ATHEA, Atos Syntel, Bull, Cloudamize, Cloudreach, Cryptovision, DataSentics,, Eagle Creek, EcoAct, Edifixio, Energy4U, Engage ESM, Forensik, IDEAL GRP, IDnomic, In Fidem, Ipsotek, Maven Wave, Miner & Kasch, Motiv, Nimbix, Processia, Profit4SF, science+computing, SEC Consult, Visual BI, Worldgrid, X-Perion, zData. Legal Mentions Eviden™ and the Eviden logo are trademarks of Bull S.A.S © 2023 Bull S.A.S.

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