How to choose the most effective security technologies to improve your security posture ?

Our experts analyzed over 160 cybersecurity technological trends that are shaping and transforming the industry as we speak. What are they, what are their main use cases, benefits, but also challenges? Are they worth the investment ?

We built our radar around eight major cybersecurity domains, because we believe those are the most critical for the end-to-end management of your security posture and security of your digital transformation.

We also grouped them by maturity levels: mainstream technologies that are already adopted or will be in the next two years, then proven technologies that will be adopted in two to five years, and emerging technologies that will be adopted in more than five years.


Eviden in numbers

0 +
security experts around the globe
Security Operations centers
0 billion
security events processed per day

Take the analysis further with our extended 2023 Cyber Tech Radar brochure!

You can proactively strengthen your cybersecurity strategy in the brochure version of the Eviden Cyber Tech Radar. Our cybersecurity experts provide an in-depth analysis for each of the top 8 domains covered in the radar. Zoom in on 2-3 critical tech trends you need to watch in the short term, giving you the insights you need to stay ahead of the cybersecurity curve. Plus, you’ll get access to a high-resolution version of the radar chart for even clearer visualization.

Download the Cybersecurity Tech Radar

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